Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I've Decided I Really Like The Band Boston.

Are you easily entertained? Be proud of that. The world is a much more exciting place when you are. I just spent five minutes chucking my cell phone at the vertical bit of my couch because it would bounce right back. I think I've found a new game. Easily entertained? Yes. It's still fun. Say what you want.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I Don't Care (0r perhaps only half care) What You Think About the New Name. It Stays. For Now.

My titles have no revelevancy (by which I mean relevancy, but say the other one out loud, it's kind of fun) to what I write about. In fact, sometimes I've no idea what to say before I start typing. So I've decided this: don't be afraid to just say things sometimes. I do it all the time and I still haven't been shot. Of course... I don't know that many people who own, or even carry guns and I've had the miraculous luck to meet and befriend generally patient people. So scratch that. Think  before you say. However, don't overthink what you're going to say either. That just comes out worse because you're all nervous having thrashed the unfortunate sentences to death. Oh dear. I've given advice. I should probably go to bed.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


So so so. People nowadays are woefully unaware of certain fantastic songs, just because these songs were written before they were born. However weird you may think your parents to be, the music of their generation far outstrips the largely generic tripe currently circulating the airwaves. Or circuits of your computer/iPod/smart phone/whatever. If you're really cool (and I mean seriously  awesome. Or rather older) you still listen to cassette tapes. Anyway. The following is a list  of songs that you should know. I'm going to guess most of them were were considered "old" before you or I were born.

Scotties 60s/'70s/'80s playlist of glory. (artist - title(s))

1. The Hooters - And We Danced
2. U2 - Elevation
3. Pet Shop Boys - Opportunities
4. Boston - Peace of Mind
5. The Cars - Magic
6. Van Halen - Jump
7. Asia - Don't Cry
8. Def Leppard - Photograph
9. Van Halen - Dreams
10. Kenny Loggins - Heaven Helps the Man
11. Moving Pictures - Never
12. Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok
13. Pete Towshend - Face Dances Pt. II
14. The Police - Walking on the Moon
15. Sting - If I Ever Lose My Faith In You
16. Rush - Limelight
17. Tears for Fears - Break It Down Again
18. Foreigner - Juke Box Hero
19. The Beatles - Octopus's Garden
20. Led Zeppelin - Ramble On

Go find some of these. They're fantastic songs. Maybe one day I'll do this with modern music. Some of it is actually good.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


     WINter. Many people hate it. Yours truly however doesn't. For the time being. One of the biggest reasons for this is because of how entertaining certain aspects of winter are. For example. I find great entertainment in blowing large amounts of my now visible breath into the sky and watching it billow and dissipate into the air. However. There is something more fun. Exhaling through the nose and watching the not one, BUT TWO!!! clouds of vapor!!! Yes. Definitely one of the most exciting things about winter. Also. The snow is pretty when it hasn't been trampled by a mass of those small people. Children I think they're called. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Of Pinball Machines...

Dear Little People: 
(Because today if you read this I've decided to call you little)     
    At the request of my hordes of readers minus all of my hordes of readers but two or three (which leaves two or three because I don't think many more than pi reading readers read this) there has been a request to post what I call the Dwayne Johnson Rules. So you don't ask why they be called that, it's because if something has hit rock bottom (Dwane Johnson is also known as The Rock. Get it? Get it? Huh? Dooyah? Didja?) then you follow these rules. I don't normally give advice unless it's asked for. This isn't a D.I.Y. manual of how to fix something. It's my place to say whateveriwishinwhateverformatiwishandsuckstoyouifyoudon'tlikeit. However, I suppose I can acquiesce to the request.  

So here be the Dwane Johnson Rules. Follow at your own discretion. (Though if you take advice from me then I think it proves your own discretion has discreetly led you places you'd rather not be)

The Dwayane Johnson Rules(!!!)
 if you find yourself to have made like a pinball machine and been played, so to speak, or if you've been maligned, impugned, victimized, "cheated on", or something like that follow these rules. It's not guaranteed they'll be easy, but they should help you move on. Which is important. 

:: Never be alone with this person causing you distress

:: Don't initiate contact with said distressing stressor. Be polite. Don't be terse. Answer in complete sentences. Don't initiate contact.

:: Focus on other things. Find something to do when your resolve becomes corroded. Stay occupied and productive. 

There you have them. The Dwayne Johnson Rules... YAY! I think I'm done for now. 
     Yours truly,

Sunday, December 26, 2010


To whom it may concern:

     This is my interweblog (which is the full name for weblog which is the full name for blog). I make no promises of any sort pertaining to future content of this here "blog". I guarantee nothing funny, sad, emotional, or otherwise significant in any way that other "blogs" are significant, nor do I guarantee any kind of consistency in terms of content, writing style, temperament, format, mood, mannerisms, politeness, punctuation, grammar, or taste. Or anything really. Only things consistent with my mood will be on this little "blog". My sole guarantee is general honesty. Or well intentioned lies. Well. Maybe no lies. We'll see. I may lie (or tell the truth) because I know you won't believe the truth even if I tell it to you.                  
     Sometimes I may say things that are not true but are not lies. Those would fall under the category of things I have decided are true on the spur of the moment. They may only be valid for a split second. For example, no one will tell you that I am HRH Scott Christopher Ramone Perseus Machiavelli Bartimaeus Attolia Hyperion Maximus Randall the Great, King of The Known Universe, Prevailing Archduke of the Unknown Universe, Chief Chancellor of Chaos and Afros. It's still true. In the sense that it's not a lie since it's not not true. Sufficiently bewildered? I dearly hope so.
     It is now time for me to go do something else. Because I want to.
    With all due respect, best wishes, and other such blarney,